Kinneil House
Kinneil House has such a rich history in Bo’ness both metaphorically and literally. The house was mostly owned by the Hamiltons, for it was in their possession for a long time. The house endured multiple attacks against it and is still standing in pretty good shape to this day.
It’s a fascinating place to visit and even if you can’t get into the main house (it’s only open limited times), the grounds are great to explore and there’s a wee museum looked after mostly by the Friends of Kinneil House.
Oh, did we mention the curse? Check out our video and read below for more!
Our video about Kinneil House
Kinneil Church
The church here was made in the 12th Century AD, making it rough 900 years old. Unfortunately the church was destroyed in a fire in 1745, however the original church consisted of two bells – one of which can be seen in the Kinneil Museum beside the main house. It is a parish church, which suggests the area was Catholic.
The Haunting of Alice Lilbourne
It is said the ghost of Alice Lilbourne haunts Kinneil House since her death there. Legend has it that she unfortunately died by falling from the top window and rolling down into a ditch. This happened because she intended to run with her lover who was supposed to be waiting at the bottom with a horse attached to a vehicle containing hay, but while she was falling the horse became frightened and moved leading her to an inevitable death. It is believed she stills roams around the house and grounds to this day!
It is also said a curse looms over the house, as the church behind it owned last by a minister, enacted a curse where if the church was to come down so too would the house. The church was sadly vandalised to the point someone mentioned the curse, and curiously enough nothing has happened since.
Photos from around Kinneil House
This content was written, photographed and videoed by pupils of Bo’ness Academy as part of the Ceangail Skills Connect Academy. You can also see information about upcoming Academy sessions here.
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