About Us

This tourism project is delivered by Ceangail CIC, a not for profit that inspires young people into tourism.

The My Scotland project aims to encourage young people to be more aware and proud of the area they live or work in. We aim to work with up to 40 groups of young people across Scotland annually as we help them create tourism reference pages that encourage other youing people to visit.

I am keen to see this vocational training programme reaching as many young people across Scotland as possible. The opportunity for them to build on their digital skills in a practical learning environment is crucial to their development.
Matt McGrandles
Chair, Ceangail CIC


Leadership Group

Project leaders who support Skills Connect Academy programme delivery.

Dan Rous

Central Scotland

Programme Funders

We thank our programme funders that allow us to deliver the Skills Connect My Scotland programmes.

My Scotland Funder

Skills Connect Funder